Monday, July 14, 2008

Assassin's Creed's Jade Raymond is back with a new project!

You all remember the fuss that Jade Raymond created during her video interviews about Assassin's Creed? Well, she's back with a new project - a survival horror-action called I Am Alive! As our friends at Internode Games Network report, it will be:

Set after an earthquake hits Chicago, I Am Alive is being labelled a "survival game", with a few major differences from the typical "survival-horror" titles we've been seeing waves of recently. You won't be trapped in the dark, beating up masses of scary things with great big weapons - instead, it's more like a first-person adventure title, with a low emphasis on weapons.

So far, the release date is set for mid 2009, with the game being published by Ubisoft and developed by the little-known Darkwork (known for their work on Cold Fear). Comment here!

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